Woody Plant Ecology


Our publications relating to Ethiopia

Ethiopian plants

Sacred groves Desalegn Desissa Pierre Binggeli
produced by:
Desalegn Desissa
& Pierre Binggeli

Sacred groves

Invasive plants



Plant collections


Our publications




Desalegn Desissa (2008) Sacred sites, culture and biodiversity importance, threats & successes. EWNHS, Addis Ababa.

Richardson D.M., P. Binggeli and G. Schroth (2004) Plant invasions - problems and solutions in agroforestry. In Schroth G., G. Fonseca, C.A. Harvey, C. Gascon, H. Vasconcelos and A.M. Izac (Eds) Agroforestry and biodiversity conservation in tropical landscapes, pp. 371-396. Island Press, Washington.

Binggeli P., Desalegn Desissa, J. Healey, M. Painton, J. Smith and Zewge Teklehaimanot (2003) Conservation of Ethiopian sacred groves. ETFRN News 38, 37-38.

Zemede Asfaw and Desalegn Desissa (in press). Interaction and interdependence of agro-biodiversity and wild biodiversity in Ethiopia. Sinet (J. Ethiop. Sci.)

Zemede Asfaw, Desalegn Desissa and Tesfaye Awas (in press). Ethnobotany of Nations, nationalities and people of Ethiopia. Research and Publication Office of Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa.

Binggeli P. (2002) Beekeping in Ethiopia: history, status and outlook - Lecture by Dr Jürgen Greiling. Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society Notes and Records 59.

Binggeli P. and Desalegn Desissa (2002) Lantana camara - the invasive shrub that threatens to drive people out of their land. Newsletter of the Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society April-June 2002, 4-6.

Desalegn Dessisa and P. Binggeli (2002) Knowledge of woody plant resources and their utilisation by the clergy and local communities in Ethiopian church and monastery yards. In People and biodiversity - Program & Abstracts of the Eighth ISE International Congress, p 52.

Desalegn Desissa, P. Binggeli and J. Smith (2002) Aba Hailegebresilasse - Lalibela's tree planting monk. Newsletter of the Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society Jan.-March 2002, 4-6.

Binggeli P. (2001) Workshop discussions. In Proceedings of the workshop on the Biodiversity conservation in ancient church and monastery yards in Ethiopia, pp. 26-31. University of Wales, Bangor and the Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society, Addis Ababa.

Binggeli P. (2001) Langano trip, 20-21 October 2001. Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society - Indoor and Outdoor Notice of Events, including Reports 57, 8.

Desalegn Desissa (2001) Cheleleka (Mogle) mountain walk, 4-11-2001. Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society - Indoor and Outdoor Notice of Events, including Reports 58, 2.

Desalegn Desissa (2001) Traditional Oromo religion. Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society - Indoor and Outdoor Notice of Events, including Reports 58, 6.

Desalegn Desissa (1998). Economic value of medicinal plants in Ethiopia. In Biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants in Ethiopia, pp. 102-122. IBCR, Addis Ababa.

Desalegn Desissa, Tseyhnesh Lemma and Endalemaw Gadissa (1996). Ethiopian Wildlife Trade. Unpublished report to IUCN.



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