

East Usambaras Links

Introduction   Native Species   Invasive Species   Deforestation   Publications   Links
Invasive Woody Plants

Tree Autecology and Biology

Temperate Forest Ecology

Tropical Forest Ecology


Sand Dune Ecology

East Usambaras

Pitcairn Islands


Amani Botanic Gardens: Amani and the gardens' history

Usambara bibliographies:

Biodiversity conservation in the East Usambaras. Experiences from the East Usambara Catchment Forest Project, Tanzania.

Conservation and utilization of natural resources in the East Usambara Forest Reserves: Conventional views and local perspectives.

Management of biodiversity in the East Usambaras

Watershed management

Tea in the East Usambara

National Forestry Programme (NFP)

Eastern Arc (incl. East Usambaras) ecological monitoring

Forests of the Uluguru Mountains 

Tropical Biology Association field course in the East Usambaras

Tropical Biology Association Field Course 99-2

African bibliography

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