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Invasive Woody Plants |
Invasive woody plants
Tree autecology and biologyAcer pseudoplatanus, Maesopsis eminii and Hippophae rhamnoides have been extensively investigated. Various aspects of the autecology of Fraxinus excelsior, Syzygium jambos and Thespesia populnea have also reported. Temperate forest ecologySecondary succession in Northern Ireland is reported for sand dune systems. The status of Filmy fern - Hymenophyllum wilsonii in a Northern Irish woodland is assessed. Tropical forest ecologyThe biodiversity conservation in ancient church and monastery yards in Ethiopia was investigated in 2001-2002. Invasive plants have been extensively investigated in Africa, Jamaica, Madagascar and the South Pacific. In the East Usambaras (Tanzania) a permanent plot has been set up. Ecology and restoration in the Kimboza-Ruvu area. ForestryDetails of contract work carried out on various forestry matters are given. They include a woodfuel need survey in western Europe, an overview of sycamore and ash with special reference to Irish forestry, identification and selection of seed sources for sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) and the impact of wind damage on broadleaf trees. Sand dune ecologyThe ecology of sand dunes systems in Ireland focuses on secondary succession, the invasion of dunes by Acer pseudoplatanus and Hippophae rhamnoides and the impact of rabbits on vegetation East UsambarasA number of aspects of the ecology of this mountain range of
NE Tanzania are reported. Pitcairn IslandsGroup of four sub-tropical islands in the South Pacific. Information relating to invasive species are given for Pitcairn Island. The ecology and silviculture of Miro (Thespesia populnea) is reported for Henderson Island. PublicationsPierre Binggeli's publications are listed together or according to topics. Listed separately are the publications relating to invasive woody plants, Acer pseudoplatanus, Maesopsis eminii, tropical forests, the East Usambaras, Pitcairn and forestry. |
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