Woody Plants
Tree Autecology and Biology
Forest Ecology
Tropical Forest Ecology
Dune Ecology
East Usambaras
Current projects:
- Historical ecology of the Kimboza Forest Reseve (Tanzania) in relation to the invasive tree Cedrela odorata, fire and the conservation of the endemic blue gecko.
- Ecological field guide to the plants of the Kimboza-Ruvu region.
- An ongoing ecological project is been carried
out in Madagascar.
- Control of invasives and forest dynamics are
investigated in the Blue Mountains
of Jamaica.
Past projects:
- A three year project (2001-2004) on the biodiversity conservation in ancient church
and monastery yards in Ethiopia was supported by the Darwin
Initiative for the Survival of Species.
- Long-term monitoring of a
permanent sample plot established in 1987 in the East Usambaras
(Tanzania). In a 0.5 ha plot all trees with a GBH > 10 cm have been
located and their girth measured. GBH increment and tree death and
recruitment are being monitored.
- Tree regeneration in relation to invasive woody
plants on Pitcairn Island (South Pacific) and with special reference to
the exotic tree Syzygium jambos.
- Autecology of Maesopsis
- Ecology of invasive woody plants.
- Management of Pittosporum
undulatum in the Blue Mountains
Ecology of the East Usambara forests
- Forest profiles
- Forest dynamics (e.g. treefalls)
- Seed bank ecology