

Publications relating to Invasive Plants

Introduction Species List    Publications   Manuscripts
Invasive Woody Plants

Tree Autecology and Biology

Temperate Forest Ecology

Tropical Forest Ecology


Sand Dune Ecology

East Usambaras

Pitcairn Islands

Major Publications

Binggeli P. (2011)   The human dimensions of invasive plants in tropical Africa. In  Rotherham, I.D.  & Lambert, R. (Eds) Invasive and introduced plants and animals: human perceptions, attitudes and approaches to management, pp. 201-220. Earthscan, Abingdon.

Binggeli P. (2005) Crop Protection Compendium. CAB International, Wallingford.
- New species data sheets: Acer negundo, Clidemia hirta, Hedera helix, Lantana camara, Mimosa pigra, Morella fayaSyzygium jambos 
- Updated species data sheets: Argemone mexicana, Cecropia peltata, Eichhornia crassipes, Mikania micrantha, Mimosa diplotricha, Mimosa pudica, Senna obtusifolia.

Richardson D.M., P. Binggeli and G. Schroth (2004) Plant invasions - problems and solutions in agroforestry. In Schroth G., G. Fonseca, C.A. Harvey, C. Gascon, H. Vasconcelos and A.M. Izac (Eds) Agroforestry and biodiversity conservation in tropical landscapes, pp. 371-396. Island Press, Washington.

Binggeli P. (2003) Introduced and invasive plants. In Goodman S.M. and J.P. Benstead (Eds) The natural history of Madagascar, pp. 257-268. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Binggeli P. (2003) Opuntia spp., prickly pear, raiketa, rakaita, raketa. In Goodman S.M. and J.P. Benstead (Eds) The natural history of Madagascar, pp. 335-339. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Binggeli P. (2003) Lantana camara, Fankatavinakoho, Fotatra, Lantana, Mandadrieko, Rajejeka, Radredreka, Ramity. In Goodman S.M. and J.P. Benstead (Eds) The natural history of Madagascar, pp. 415-417. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Binggeli P. (2003) Eichhornia crassipes, water hyacinth, Tetezanalika, Tsikafokafona. In Goodman S.M. and J.P. Benstead (Eds) The natural history of Madagascar, pp. 476-478. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Binggeli P. (2001) The human dimensions of invasive woody plants. In McNeely, J.A. (Ed.) The great reshuffling - Human dimensions of invasive alien species, pp. 145-159. IUCN, Gland.

Binggeli P. (2001) Time-lags between introduction, establishment and rapid spread of introduced environmental weeds. In Proceedings of the III International Weed Science Congress. International Weed Science Society, Corvallis.

Binggeli P. (1998) Plants of the Pacific northwest in western Europe. Bot. Electronic News 195.

Binggeli P., J.B. Hall and J.R. Healey (1998) An overview of invasive woody plants in the tropics. School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences Publication Number 13, University of Wales, Bangor.

Goodland T.C.R., J.R. Healey and P. Binggeli (1998) Control and management of alien woody plants in the tropics. School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences Publication Number 14, University of Wales, Bangor.

Binggeli P. (1996) A taxonomic, biogeographical and ecological overview of invasive woody plants. J. Veg. Sci. 7, 121-124.

Paterson J.P.H., P. Binggeli and B.S. Rushton (1996) Slug and small mammal induced seedling mortality in sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). Biol. Environ. 96B, 49-53.

Binggeli P. and A.C. Hamilton (1993) Biological invasion by Maesopsis eminii in the East Usambara forests, Tanzania. Opera Bot. 121, 229-235.

Binggeli P. (1993) Conservation value of sycamore. Quart. J. For. 87, 143-146.

Binggeli P., M. Eakin, A. Macfadyen, J. Power and J. McConnell (1992) Impact of the alien sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) on sand dune ecosystems in Ireland. In R.W.G. Carter, T.G.F. Curtis and M.J. Sheehy-Skeffington (Eds) Coastal dunes. Geomorphology, ecology and management, pp. 325-337. Balkema, Rotterdam.

Binggeli P. and A.C. Hamilton (1990) Tree species invasions and sustainable forestry in the East Usambaras. In I. Hedberg and E. Persson (Eds) Research for conservation of Tanzanian catchment forests, pp. 39-47. Uppsala Universitet Reprocentralen HSC, Uppsala.

Binggeli P. (1989) The ecology of Maesopsis invasion and dynamics of the evergreen forest of the East Usambaras, and their implications for forest conservation and forestry practices. In A.C. Hamilton and R. Bensted-Smith (Eds) Forest conservation in the East Usambara mountains, Tanzania, pp. 269-300. IUCN, Gland.

Binggeli P., C.K. Ruffo, A.C. Hamilton and D. Taylor (1989) Seed banks in the forest soils. In A.C. Hamilton and R. Bensted-Smith (Eds) Forest conservation in the East Usambara mountains, Tanzania, pp. 307-311. IUCN, Gland.

Binggeli P. and B.S. Rushton (1985) A management orientated study of the Birch-Rowan-Hazel woodland at Murlough Bay, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland. Ir. For. 42, 16-32.

Minor publications

Binggeli P. and Desalegn Desissa (2002) Lantana camara - the invasive shrub that threatens to drive people out of their land. Newsletter of the Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society (in press).

Binggeli P., J.B. Hall and J.R. Healey (2001) Invasive woody plants. Overstory #89.

Binggeli P. (2000) The East Usambaras (Tanzania) - The pearl of Africa. Aliens 10, 14-15.

Healey J., T. Goodland, P. Binggeli and J. Hall (1998) Research group: invasive woody plants in the tropics. Aliens 8, 12-14.

Binggeli P. and J. Starmer (1997) Pitcairn Island. Aliens 6, 2.

Binggeli P. (1994) The misuse of terminology and anthropomorphic concepts in the description of introduced species. Bull. Brit. Ecol. Soc. 25, 10-13.

Binggeli P. (1994) Plant translocation, habitat fragmentation, seed dispersal and climate change. BSBI News 66, 12-13.

Binggeli P. (1994) Controlling the invader. Tree News Autumn, 14-15.

Binggeli P. (1990) Maesopsis eminii invasion of the evergreen rain forest in the East Usambaras, (Tanzania). In the biology and control of invasive plants, pp. 1-7. Industrial Ecology Group, British Ecological Society, Cardiff.

Book Reviews

Binggeli P. (2004) Invasion biology - Critique of a pseudoscience. Envir. Conserv. 31, 169.

Binggeli P. (2003) The costs of biological invasions. Diversity and Distributions 9, 331-332.

Binggeli P. (1995) Cronk, Q.C.B. & Fuller, J.L. 1995. Plant invasions: the threat to natural ecosystems. Aliens 2, 23.

Binggeli P. (1994) 'The release of genetically-engineered organisms, Edited by B. Shorrocks & D. Coates'. Watsonia 20, 164-165.


Binggeli P. (1992) Patterns of invasion of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) in relation to species and ecosystem attributes. D.Phil. Thesis, The University of Ulster.


Healey J.R., T. Goodland, P. Binggeli and J.B. Hall (1995) The impact on forest biodiversity of an invasive tree species and the development of methods for its control. ODA Forestry Research Project R4742, Final Report 1991-95. UCNW, Bangor.

Binggeli P. (1990) Species invasions: The role of WWF. Report submitted to WWF-International.

Rushton B.S., M. Gault, A. Graham and P. Binggeli (1990) The status of the Filmy Fern (Hymenophyllum wilsonii Hook.) in the National Trust Nature Reserve Murlough Bay, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland. Report submitted to the National Trust, University of Ulster at Coleraine.

Binggeli P. (1989) Report on a visit to Tanzania - 11th March - 8th April 1989. Unpublished Manuscript. 4 pp.

Published Abstracts

Binggeli P. (2000) Time-lags between introduction, establishment and rapid spread of introduced environmental weeds. In Abstracts of the III International Weed Science Congress, pp. 8-9. International Weed Science Society, Corvallis.

Binggeli P. (1997) How relevant are ecologically equivalent species and vacant niches to the invasive potential of introduced woody plants? In 4th International Conference on the ecology of invasive alien plants, p. 28. Institut für Okologie und Biologie der TU - Berlin.

Binggeli P. (1995) Time-lags in invasive tropical woody plants. In British Ecological Society Winter Meeting - Programme and Abstracts, p. 72.

Paterson J.P.H., P. Binggeli and B.S. Rushton (1995) Slug and small mammal induced seedling mortality in sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). In British Ecological Society Winter Meeting - Programme and Abstracts, p. 77.

Paterson J.P.H. & P. Binggeli (1995) Status and distribution of Rubus spectabilis Pursh. In British Ecological Society Winter Meeting - Programme and Abstracts, p. 71.

Paterson J.P.H., P. Binggeli and B.S. Rushton (1995) Slug and small mammal induced seedling mortality in sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). In Proceedings of the Irish Botanists' Meeting, St Patrick's College, Maynouth, p. 54.

Binggeli P. (1994) Historical impact of rabbits on Irish vegetation. In Proceedings of the Irish Botanists' Meeting, University of Ulster, pp. 5-6.

Binggeli P. and S. Crute (1990) Fir invasion of a relict oakwood. In Proceedings of the Irish Botanists' Meeting, University College Galway, p. 20.

Binggeli P., M. Debost, M. Eakin, R. Gilbert, N. O'Neill, S. Porter and C. Wilson (1990) Sea buckthorn invasion and succession on two sand dune systems. In Proceedings of the Irish Botanists' Meeting, University College Galway, p. 20.

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