

Kirindy Forest                Guide to the plants of Kirindy Forest

Adansonia za emerging from a bamboo  (Vahila sp.) dominated canopy.
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Invasive Woody Plants

Tree Autecology and Biology

Temperate Forest Ecology

Tropical Forest Ecology


Sand Dune Ecology


East Usambaras

Pitcairn Islands

Kirindy Forest is a dry deciduous forest situated near the western coast of Madagascar. It covers 12,000 ha that were mostly selectively logged in the last quarter of the 20th century. It is now a conservation area focusing on ecotourism and primate research.

In the late 20th century a substantial amount of forestry research was carried out and resulted in a number of reports. Of particular interest to ecologists are the publications on phenology and seed biology. The primate research has resulted in numerous specialized papers mainly on lemur behaviour.

In recent years the Tropical Biology Association has been carrying out field courses at Kirindy and TBA is now producing introductory field guides on birds, amphibians and reptiles, insects and trees. The bird guide is available.               

bibliography of publication relating to Kirindy has been produced and a short note on the impact of past logging operations on forest structure and vegetation is available.

A guide to the main species of trees and shrubs of Kirindy has been produced.

Adansonia rubrostipa

The fosa a prominent biodiversity feature of Kirindy


    Copyright © 2008-14 Pierre Binggeli. All rights reserved.