

Maesopsis eminii bibliography

Invasive Woody Plants

Tree Autecology and Biology

Temperate Forest Ecology

Tropical Forest Ecology


Sand Dune Ecology

East Usambaras

Pitcairn Islands


Abbiw, D. (1990) Useful plants of Ghana: West African uses of wild and cultivated plants. Intermediate Technology / Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

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Ananthanarayana, A.K. & Jain, J.C. (1982) A note on the physical and mechanical properties of Maesopsis eminii Engl. (Musizi). Ind. Forester 108, 741-746.

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Anon. (1963) Arboreta: East Usambaras. Tanz. Silvic. Tech. Note 58.

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Anon. (1964) Trial plots, Bukoba and Minziro areas. Tech. Note (Silv.) No. 68.

Anon. (1964) Seed weights and germination (2) Minor species. Tanz. Silvic. Tech. Note No. 75.

Anon. (1964) Growth rates of Cephalosphaera usambarensis and Maesopsis eminii. Tanz. Silvic. Tech. Note 71.

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Barker, C.A. & Bakhuizen van den Brink (1965) Flora of Java, Vol. 2. Noordhoff, Groningen.

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Bégué, L. (1958) Les forêts de la République du Soudan. Bois Forets Trop. 62, 3-19.

Bell, A.D. (1991) Plant form. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Binggeli, P. (1989) The ecology of Maesopsis invasion and dynamics of the evergreen forest of the East Usambaras, and their implications for forest conservation and forestry practices. In Hamilton, A.C. & Bensted-Smith, R. (Eds) Forest conservation in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, pp. 269-300. IUCN, Gland.

Binggeli, P. (1989) Report on a visit to Tanzania - 11th March - 8th April 1989. Unpublished Manuscript. 4 pp.

Binggeli, P. (1990) Maesopsis eminii invasion of the evergreen rain forest in the East Usambaras (Tanzania). In The biology and control of invasive plants, pp. 1-7. British Ecological Society, Cardiff.

Binggeli, P. (2000) The East Usambaras (Tanzania) - The pearl of Africa. Aliens 10, 14-15.

Binggeli, P. & Hamilton, A.C. (1990) Tree species invasions and sustainable forestry in the East Usambaras. In Hedberg, I. & Persson, E. (Eds) Research for conservation of Tanzanian catchment forests, pp. 39-47. Uppsala Universitet Reprocentralen HSC, Uppsala.

Binggeli, P. & Hamilton, A.C. (1993) Biological invasion by Maesopsis eminii in the East Usambara forests, Tanzania. Opera Bot. 121, 229-235.

Binggeli, P., Ruffo, C.K., Taylor, D. & Hamilton, A.C. (1989) Seed banks in the forest soils. In Hamilton, A.C. & Bensted-Smith, R. (Eds) Forest conservation in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, pp. 307-311. IUCN, Gland.

Bjorndalen, J.E. (1992) Tanzanias vanishing rain forests assessment of nature conservation values, biodiversity and importance for water catchment. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 40, 313-334.

Blaser, J., Rajoelison, G., Tsiza, G., Rajemison, M., Rabevohitra, R., Randrianjafy, H., Razafindrianilana, N., Rakotovao, G. and Comtet, S. 1993. Choix des essences pour la sylviculture à Madagascar. Akon'ny Ala Numbers 12 & 13.

Bødker, R., Kisinza, W., Malima, R., Msangeni, H. & Lindsay, S. (2000) Resurgence of malaria in the Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, an epidemic of drug-resistant parasites. Global Change and Human Health 1, 134-153.

Borota, J. (1969) The result of gap planting in natural forests. Tanz. Silv. Res. Note 13, 1-4.

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Borota, J. (1975) Provenance studies of the major and economically important species in Tanzania. Zbornik Vedeckych Prac 17, 99-118.

Bouquet, A. (1969) Féticheurs et médecines traditionelles du Congo (Brazzaville). Mem. ORSTOM 36.

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Brasnett, N.V. (1940) Stump planting. E. Afr. agric. J. 5, 387-388.

Bredo, H.-J. (1933) Note sur un insecte destructeur des Maesopsis eminii Engl. Bull. agric. Congo belge 24, 156-161.

Brown, D.C. (1991) An assessment of the invasion of Maesopsis eminii into the natural forests of the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. Project, College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka.

Brown, K.W. (1964) Observations on a stem canker of Musizi (Maesopsis eminii). E. Afr. agric. For. J. 30, 54-58.

Brown, W.H. (1978) Timbers of the world... 1. Africa. Timber Research and Development Association, High Wycombe.

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Brunel, J.F., Hiepko, P. & Scholz, H. (1984) Flore analytique du Togo. Englera 4, 1-751.

Bryce, J.M. (1966) The strength properties of Tanzania timbers. Tanz. Tech. Note 35, 1-17.

Bryce, J.M. & Norcross, H. (1961) The resistance of Tanganyika timber to impregnation. Tang. Tech. Note 28, 1-20.

Buchholz, T. (2003) Silvicultural potential of Maesopsis eminii in Uganda. I-TOO Working Paper No. 12. www.waldbau.uni-freiburg.de/ITOO/I-TOO-files/WP/I-TOO%20WP%2012
Buchholz, T., Weinreich, A. & Tennigkeit, T. (2005) Silvicultural management of Maesopsis eminii. I-TOO Working Paper No. 27.

Buechner, H.K. & Dawkins, H.C. (1961) Vegetation changes induced by elephants and fire in Murchinson Falls National Park, Uganda. Ecology 42, 752-766.

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Büttner, S. (2004) Seed source, seed size and seed sowing technique of Maesopsis eminii in Uganda - A study on improved nursery management. I-TOO Working Paper No. 16.

Buxton, A.P. (1952) Observations of the diurnal behaviour of the redtail monkey (Cercopithecus ascanius schmidti Matschie) in a small forest in Uganda. J. Anim. Ecol. 21, 25-58.

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